Use URL.createObjectURL to make your videos start faster


During our last hackathon, we wanted to make our playback to start faster. Before our playback starts to show something to the final users, we issue around 5 to 6 requests (counting some manifests) and the goal was to cut as much as we can.

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The first step was very easy, we just inverted the code logic from the client side to the server side, and then we injected the prepared player on the page.

Pseudo Ruby server side code:

some_api = get("http://some.api/v/#{@id}/playlist")
other_api = get("http://other.api/v/#{}/playlist")
# ...
@final_uri = "#{protocol}://#{domain}/#{path}/#{manifest}"

Pseudo JS client side code:

new Our.Player({source: {{ @final_uri }} });

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Okay, that’s nice but can we go further? Yes, how about to embed our manifests into our page?! It turns out that we can do that with the power of URL.createObjectURL, this API gives us an URL for a JS blob/object/file.

// URL.createObjectURL is pretty trivial
// to use and powerfull as well
 var blob = new Blob(["#M3U8...."]
            , {type: "application/x-mpegurl"});
 var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

Pseudo Ruby server side code:

some_api = get("http://some.api/v/#{@id}/playlist")
other_api = get("http://other.api/v/#{}/playlist")
# ...
@final_uri = "#{protocol}://#{domain}/#{path}/#{manifest}"
@main_manifest = get(@final_uri)
@sub_manifests = @main_manifest
                 .map {|uri| get(uri)}

Pseudo JS client side code:

  var mime = "application/x-mpegurl";
  var manifest = {{ @main_manifest }};
  var subManifests = {{ @sub_manifests }};
  var subManifestsBlobURL = subManifest
                           .map(objectURLFor(content, mime));
  var finalMainManifest = manifest
                          .map(content.replace(id, subManifestsBlobURL[id]))

  function objectURLFor(content, mime) {
    var blob = new Blob([content], {type: mime});
    return URL.createObjectURL(blob);

  new Our.Player({
    src: objectURLFor(finalMainManifest, mime)

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We thought we were done but then we came up with the idea of doing the same process for the first video segment, the page now will weight more but the player would almost play instantaneously.

// for regular text manifest we can use regular Blob objects
// but for binary data we can rely on Uint8Array
var segment = new Uint8Array({{ segments.first }});

By the way, our player is based on Clappr and this particular test was done with hls.js playback which does use the fetch API to get the video segments, fetching this created URL works just fine.

The animated gif you see at the start of the post was done without the segment on the page optimization. And we just ignored the possible side effects on the player ABR algorithm (that could think it has a high bandwidth due to the fast manifest fetch).

Finally, we can make it even faster using the MPEG Dash and its template timeline format, we can use shorter segments sizes and we can tune the ABR algorithm to be initially faster.

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